Waterways Recreation Enthusiasts,

As you may have read on these pages and elsewhere, there is an exciting development underway in Greenpoint Brooklyn.  The North Brooklyn Boat Club has been awarded several million dollars out of a penalty fund assessed to a large polluter of the Newtown Creek and the Greenpoint area, to develop a boathouse project at the foot of Manhattan Avenue.

The project is encountering roadblocks, which is inevitable.

Now is the time for every voice to be heard in support of this progress forward for the Newtown Creek and the North Brooklyn Boathouse.  Please go to the story behind this link, read the article, and add your comments.  This issue is vital to our movement forward in creating the future for New York waterways.


New York City has a commitment to making sustainability its biggest priority, and becoming a model of greener urban environments nation wide.

Put your support behind this forward motion by adding your voice to the debate.

Thank you for all you do,

Victoria Olson